Emerging Globe’s ‘philosophical mission’ remains our dedication to giving Wall Street an ethical alternative to our competitors; as further defined by our unwavering commitment to the Emerging Markets during the `bad times,’ and now to the great market that we are all currently enjoying. We have been around for some good years, some rough ones, and are dedicated to these markets come what may.
Additionally, is our focus on remaining the premier Emerging Market Financial Sector specific Executive Search Firm, through our chosen dedication to this niche. Our knowledge of the regions– through continued travel, and widespread exposure to our target market via the internet–, are only a few of the ways that we work to expand our presence in bringing the best Candidates to our Clients, and our best Clients to our Candidates. Emerging Globe’s Recruiters continue to do all that we can to educate ourselves in the markets in which we specialize.
Finally, we seek to advise our clientele to the best of our ability. This does not always mean to tell a Candidate to take the ‘highest paying’ job, nor does it mean to suggest that our Client hire the most ‘expensive’ Candidate. We use the cumulation of over 15 years of experience in these markets to best advise our customers, period. Sometimes it will be the ‘highest paying,’ sometimes it will be the ‘most expensive,’ but whichever the case, we will be seeking the ‘best value’ to the given ‘need.’